Eidetic RAM Cost: Lv3,000 This chip lets the user record what he or she sees and senses, effectively granting the Eidetic Memory Talent, but this device can only store up to a days worth of memories.
Neural Operating System Cost: Lv6,000 This amazing new chip is an operating system for the brain. Using 1 terabyte RAM, it lists all your memories and knowledge in an advanced file structure. When you want to remember something, the chip knows where it is stored in your brain and finds it. In effect this chip grants Eidetic Memory and gives a +1 INT. If the chip is destroyed or removed, you loss all memories and have total amnesia. Skill Chips Cost:Lv2,000 per level A Skill Chip give the user a skill as long as it is installed. It gives +1 in the skill for every level, up to a max of three levels. This chip will override, not augment, an existing natural skill of the same type. You may have as many skill chips as equal to your INT. Many people have a bag full of skill chips and an external chip slot for quickly clipping in an clipping out the chips.
Data Chips Cost: Lv1,000-3,000 Data Chips are ROMs that hold information. They are accessed as if they were a "on-line" manual or book, complete with indices and pages. It may take several seconds to locate a specific piece of data. A few of the available chips are: The Complete Works William Shakespeare A modern law book A world telephone directory Encyclopedia Britannica
Emotion Chip Cost: Lv3,000 An Emotion Chip gives you a constant emotional feeling. Any emotion is available, from bliss to anger, from love to fear, from excitement to hatred. Only one emotion can be accessed per chip, and you cannot have more than one turned on at a time. It may be activated at will. While chip is off you feel emotions normally.
Null-Emotion Chip Cost: Lv3,000 Have too much Humanity? Want to be on the side of the Machine, or join the latest Cyber-Goth cult? This quickest, cheapest, best way to lose Humanity in a hurry A variation of the Emotion Chip, this device prevents any emotions from occurring at all. You are totally emotionless. On the positive side, you never react emotionally to any situation, keeping a calm, purely intellectual perspective at all times.
Empathy Chip Cost: Lv5,000 This is a more advanced form of the Emotion Chip. The Empathy chip allows the you to select any emotional state, including none at all. If you are angry, you can select calmness. If you are sad, you can easily cheer up. This chip allows a user to negate any emotion he or she is currently having, replacing it with a new one whenever he or she wishes it. The effect is that you can never really be upset or hatefully angry, unless, of course, you want to. You are in full control of your emotions, which effectively gives you a +1 to PRE.
Memory Implant Cost: Variable These are chips that allow you to have an certain set of experiences (i.e., go on vacation somewhere). A 1 hour tour of Yosemite, for example would Lv 1000; a day trip on a luxury cruse would cost Lv2000 A week as a secret agent on Mars would cost Lv 80000 vacation with your favorite vid stars costs Lv 10,000 The memory stays as long as the chip is in.You will recall the trip or vacation as if you had really been there. Neural Interfaces These neural interfaces are the command/control processes for translating data to neural commands, images, signals, and impulses. You must also buy one or more Neural Interface Plugs (see below), as well as the Interface chips or Neurotronics chips for the desired features.
Neural Interface Plug Cost: Lv 5,000 You may have all the Interface or Neurotronics chips you want, but to use them you must have one or more interface plugs. This is the external socket where a neural device is connected, by wire or direct contact. Usually plugs are installed in the wrist, palm (for Smart-weapons), temple, behind the ear, but conceivably they could be placed anywhere. One plug can serve all the interface translation chips, but only one at a time. To use more than one interface at a time, you will need multiple plugs.
Wireless Interface Cost: Lv 2000 Same as above, but this device is internal and completely wireless. There is no plug at all; the signals are sent by an IR or RF signal from an external jack/plug. Typically the external unit is worn on the belt, in a pocket, backpack etc. There are several types of external units which utilize the wireless interface. Basic Unit-this unit is supplied with the wireless interface. .25kg and holds one chip. Multi Chip Unit-this unit holds 2-8 chips depending on the model and has a selector switch to allow one chip at a time to interact with the interface. Cost: Lv2,000-8,000
MultiChannel Unit- This unit is holds 2-8 chips and can transmit on separate bands to multiple interfaces. Thus if a character has 4 interfaces and wishes to run 4 chips at once, this is the unit they would need. Cost: Lv 3,000-9,000
Neural Computer Interface Chip Lv4,000 This popular chip allows a human and computer to directly interface. A computer user basically becomes "one with the machine". The default effects are +2 to all computer skills.
Neural Vehicle Interface Chip Cost: Lv5,000 This chip gives its user direct neural control of a vehicle. Any vehicle can be neurally controlled, including cars, jets, and battlesuits. By default, this grants a +2 to the skill (or skills) to control the vehicle. If weapons are an integrated component of the vehicle, such as with combat walkers, you have a +1 chance to hit when using these weapons. The cost of making the vehicle neurally controllable depends on the gameworld.
Neural Tech Interface Chip Cost: Lv3,000 This chip gives its user direct control over heavy machinery, diagnostic equipment, scientific equipment, or any TECH related unit which has a compatible interface system. This direct control gives a +2 to operate that machine when linked.
Smart-Targeting Interface Chip Cost:Lv1,000 per level In order to use this chip, you must have a smart-link on the gun. The smart-link system on the gun acts as an active location tracking system, so you see via your eye a targeting cross-hair in front of you which tracks with where the gun is pointing. The gun must also have a smart-link interface, usually a Lv2,000 modification. |
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