Up cam.pdf eg2.pdf cargos.pdf GURPS 2300 AD.pdf
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Welcome to the new downloads page. After visiting many other sites and realizing that
some of the larger works here may be difficult to utilize in their HTML format, I
decided to provide some of the larger pages as PDF files. You will need the Acrobat Reader
to view these, but they are well worth the effort.
- CAM.pdf
- The Colonial Architecht's Manual now in PDF. This should make using the colony building
rules a little bit easier.
- EG2.pdf
- The Equipment Guide 2 is now a large 20+ page PDF. Probably the best way to see all of
Ben Levy's greatest creations.
- Cargos
- Cargos for Freetraders. A great way to generate passengers and cargos for those players
who want to try their hands as merchants in the 2300 Universes
- GURPS:2300 AD
- A PDF file that contains character building information, alien
stats, human weapons, and kafer weapons for using GURPS to run 2300 AD.