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Overview of Life Foundation Colony, Austins World
The Life Foundation Colony on Austins world is only six
months younger than the Texan colony, but started smaller and proceeded at a much younger
pace. Begun in 2258 with an initial settlement of only 4000 persons, the colony now
numbers about 350,000. Growth, between immigration and births, has fallen to about 2.1%
annually. The figure would be higher, but the Life Foundation is notoriously picky about
the settlers it recruits. Immigration peaked in 2275, and is now down to about 1800
persons per year. The Life Foundation tries to recruit from one region on earth at a time,
for logistical reasons. The result has been an unusual ethnic blend in their Colony. They
consider this diversity to be one of their strengths.
Research, focussed on development of marine colonization techniques and terraforming,
is the primary thrust of the colony. 11% of the Colonys work force is directly
involved in research or education, a figure unmatched elsewhere in the human sphere. There
is also a large workforce employed supporting research and education activities. Much of
the Colonys income is derived from sales of research data, and tuition paid by
visiting students to Stair University. In the past decade it has become increasingly
apparent that science alone will not provide for the needs of 350,000 people. A
conventional economy is being developed. Although income from educational and research
programs is an important part of the local economy, each year it appears that LFCAW is
becoming more and more like a conventional colony, with industries, services, and
With two substantial exceptions, geographic features and regions in the colony are
named for people who in some way have significantly advanced human thought. The major town
and core of the colony is New Cambridge, named in honor of the city in which the Life
Foundation was founded. (Despite British claims to the contrary, historical evidence and
the Foundations own records indicate that this was Cambridge Massachusetts.) Then there,
are those features the Texans got to and named first,. The Lifers (as the locals are
called) have been pushing to have their naming method extended to the system as a whole.
In their view, a catalogue number is insufficient nomenclature for a star orbited by an
inhabited world, and "Austins World" is a mere possessive, signifying
nothing other than that the planet was either discovered by or belonged to someone named
Austin. The fact that it was neither proves the point, the Lifers say. They will also
point out that in their view, the Texans have too limited a stock of commemorative names
like "Austin", which are put to far too frequent use. The Texans think the
Lifers talk too much.
The largest island, home to New Cambridge and the bulk of LFCAWs population and
facilities, is the Texan-named (obviously) Bowie island. The Life Foundation managed to
name the other islands, and the principal inhabited ones are Nobel, DesCartes, Belafonte,
Ockham, Thales, and Cervantes. Minor settlements are scattered across two dozen more.
Needing some term to apply to distinct inhabited geographic areas, and not wanting to
burden itself with legal and history loaded conventional terms like "County"
"Parish" or "Oblast", the Life Foundation invented one of its own:
Environ. An Environ has no government structure, (Excepting Belafonte, which does, and
Maimonides, which almost does) although the inhabitants certainly cooperate, in part due
to mutual need and proximity, and often, common ethnic roots. The Environ of New Cambridge
(The city proper) is home to about 100,000 people, not including the visiting student
population. . It is surrounded by the Environ of Joyce, population 60,000. The rest of the
inhabited area of Bowie Island is taken up by Maimonides, a Jewish settled area with a
number of industrial and mining kibbutzim and a population of 40,000, and the rural,
artist frequented Environ of Plato. The Islands noted above each have their own associated
Environ. Uninhabited territory is not apportioned out to Environs. According to the Life
Foundation, Environs will be assigned to them when the areas are settled. One of the
silliest trends in the history of space exploration, and one of the most stress producing,
according the Lifers, is the habit of national colonization teams to land with immediate
plans to settle only the tiniest, barest fraction of the available land, and then claim
everything, as if each of their citizens needed hundreds of square kilometers for a
healthy life. The Lifers certainly claim the right to travel and live in any part of
Austins World not claimed by the Texans or the Incas (Which means the islands and
the entire ocean), but they do not deny the right of others to settle in areas not being
used by the Life Foundation.
It should be noted that just to test that theory, a rather eccentric, extremely wealthy
avant-garde artist moved onto a tiny rocky island along the sea-lane between New Cambridge
and Travisville. The islet has all of nine hectares above the waterline. Regardless, the
new owner named it New Lichtenstein (Not out of any personal citizenship or heritage, just
because the artist felt sorry for the little nation, which would clearly never establish a
colony otherwise) and declared it a free and independent nation. The Life Foundation
promptly and formally recognized it. Most atlas makers can be forgiven for overlooking the
thriving Grand Plutocracy of New Lichtenstein, with its population, as estimated by the
New Lichtenstein Ministry of Social Services, reached 7 in 2300. But this shows how the
Lifers will take even a trivial matter very seriously, if its a question of
philosophy or ethics.
Another seemingly trivial matter taken very seriously is the Colonys inability to
agree on a name for itself, or even the largest island. There is considerable resentment
over the name "Bowie Island ". This legendary Texas figure is known primarily as
a warrior, and the Lifers dont consider the name appropriate. There is an ongoing
campaign to have the name changed (the movement inspired the award winning slogan "No
More Mister Knife Guy") but it has yet to show any sign of success. In typical Lifer
fashion, while the vast majority wants to change the name, there is absolutely no
consensus on what to change the name to. Ghandi, Lao Tze, Hammurabi and others have been
suggested and have supporters, but there arent any front runners among them. Not
only have they been unable to settle on a new name for the largest island, the Lifers are
unable to agree on a suitable name for the whole colony. For a while, "Utopia"
was a strong contender. Support began to waiver when it became apparent that as socially
evolved as the colony was it was no Utopia. A few lifers have backed "Fabiana"
after the Fabian Society of late 19th century England, whose cultural values
are shared by the Life Foundation today. A small, vocal group of ex-New Zealanders
suggested naming the place "Not Australia". These anecdotes demonstrate, aside
from the disagreements over proposed names, an important point about the Life Foundation
Colony. They will discuss anything, to great detail, regardless of the issues actual
importance. They will almost never reach a conclusion, because to do so would end the
discussion, and that is anathema to Lifer culture. When all is said and done, more is said
than done. Nowhere else is the old saw more apt.
Visitors Information
There are none. No laws exist prevented the import or export of anything, and no moneys
are asked for the bringing in or removal of anything. The Council of Science and
Engineering openly questions the right of nations to make such restrictions on the
enterprises of human beings. On the other hand, they may grant wide latitude towards
visitors, but they reserve wide latitude for themselves as well. The Lifers make up rules
on the spot to enforce what they consider to be right and wrong. In all likelihood, if a
visitor brought something truly offensive to the colony, the Lifers would take action.
They do have a problem with firearms. The Lifers believe their colony has nothing anybody
would want to shoot. One can bring a weapon in, but that involves getting official
permission. In the Life Foundation Colony, official permission is obtained by posting
ones request in the Public Forum (See Government, below) and getting the response
from the colonys voting population. A very public, and not very easy approach.
What can be said of the weather anywhere on Austins world? The Life Foundation
Colony is somewhat protected by the ocean, which mitigates the temperature extremes. It
gets the worst of the winds and storms, and the colonys architecture is designed
with the planets severe weather conditions in mind. Buildings are not tall, and free
form naturally curved structures predominate. The climate, on good days, runs from
tropical to semitropical. Dress is extremely casual, and sometimes optional, but most
locals carry lightweight heavy weather gear folded into small belt pouches when they
There is no official organization tasked with aiding visitors. Visiting students are
usually directed to the Stair University Students Collective for help. Other
visitors (and there usually arent many) can count on the friendliness of the
natives. Fortunately, locals do tend to be hospitable, if somewhat prone to pontificating.
Originally, the Lifers intended a cashless society. Yeah, like that ever worked. Aside
from the economic difficulties caused, it left visitors befuddled. Now, they have a
"universal exchange" that converts between all major currencies, instantly at
the time of the transaction, through exchange rates calculated and updated several times a
second by the Stair University Distributed Autonomous Computer.
One of the more troublesome aspects of visiting LFCAW is the Lifers insistence on
using the artificial language Esperanto as their official language. Few Lifers speak it in
private, where English is the primary language. Most Life Foundation Colony settlers came
from English speaking areas like New Zealand, parts of the Indian Subcontinent, Ireland,
Caribe, and Israel. Esperanto shows up on signs, official documents, and news programs,
though. Despite the "one world" appeal of Esperanto, it suffers from defects
plaguing it since its invention in 1887 by a Polish doctor, Ludwik L. Zamenhof. Clumsily
blending elements from a range of European words, Esperanto features fairly simple grammar
and words familiar enough to be misunderstood by almost anyone who speaks a European based
language. Fortunately for speakers of Hungarian and Finnish, nothing of Esperanto is drawn
from their tongues, leaving them safe from the embarrassment of attempting to understand
the speaker and finding the meaning of a simple word to be way off from where they thought
it was. Its also worth noting that to speakers of non-European languages arent
exactly overawed by the so-called universality of Esperanto; this may be a factor in their
noticeable absence in this multinational colony. Fortunately, English is spoken by nearly
everyone in LFCAW. This works in well with the fact that the major civilization on the
planet, the Texan colony of New Bexar, is English speaking. An indispensable aid is the
Esperanto dictionary chip, sold by merchants throughout LIFCAW, and at several locations
in the Texan colony as well. (This is the only planet on which they are readily
obtainable) Visitors are advised to purchase one, along with a camera and text recognition
software for their portacomp. They will then have ready translations for available for
signs, menus, schedules, etc., they may encounter. Visitors should not attempt
"figuring" out Esperanto on their own, unless theyre already somewhat
familiar with the language. Too many words amongst the European tongues have very
different meanings despite similar roots for the language to ever be easily intelligible.
Many Lifers have an annoying and smug belief that their colony represents the future of
mankinds social development. To this end, they often jettison traditional cultural
mores, considering them primitive. To their credit, their society is one of the most
tolerant in the world. There is very little one can do in LFCAW, shorting of causing harm
or damage, that will result in social criticism. Much of the colony is considered
"clothing optional" although in truth Lifers adopt public nudity mainly at sea,
on warm days. Nudity in daily life is absurdly impractical. Traditional family structures,
although more common than alternative styles even here, is accompanied by all sorts of
unconventional arrangements. The Kibbutz settlements of Maimonides arent as open
minded. Although liberal by the standard of any other government, they represent the
extreme of cultural conservatism in LFCAW.
There are about a dozen law firms, some of the best humanity
has to offer, working on the resolution of the Life Colonys final status. The Life
Foundation is adamant that it is not a sovereign nation. It is equally adamant that the
colony will come under the sovereignty of no nation. While the status of
"extra-national" territory is nothing new in human political history
(Antarctica, for example, enjoyed such a status for a while), LFCAW is different in that
it has a population, most of whom profess no nationality. There is a growing number of
native born inhabitants with no nation of origin. Some residents still consider themselves
citizens of their nation of origin, adding to the confusion. Belafonte, in particular,
receives not only immigrants but physical (and moral) support from Caribe, and the
Confederation of Palestine has given assistance to Maimonides. The Life Foundation has no
problems with this, as neither Environ is entertaining any aspirations of leaving the
colony and taking up as a colony of its associates Earth nation.
The question is a serious one. If the place is not under the administration of a
nation, what is the legal authority of the government? Even Trilon, which administers an
entire planet, claims to be doing so under the auspices of American sovereignty. And if
the civil powers in place claim authority, which they do here in a vague sort of way, then
why is it not a nation? The emerging consensus throughout human space is that LFCAW is a
de facto nation, regardless of the status it claims for itself, and regardless of its
status with regards to the Life Foundation. The Life Foundation, for its part, hesitates
to define the status of LFCAW, although they are clear about defining what its not.
Decisions involving the overall development of the colony, and the management of the
colonys common infrastructure and public services, are made by the Council of
Science and Engineering. In the interest of achieving the social structure of tomorrow,
the colony is, in theory, a democracy. Almost all of the key decisions are placed on the
communications net, at a site called the Public Forum, as referendums to be voted upon.
Forums are posted along with the length of time available for response, typically a local
year. (Thats only 41 local days, not a long time) Any resident of more than three
years can post referendums. Each standard year, the Council begins its annual
administrative cycle by posting the referendum: "Resolved: Whereas numerous daily
administrative functions of the Colony are routine in nature, and expenditure of the time
necessary to post the decisions regarding these functions in public forum would result in
severe delays to public functions, as well as disruptions to necessary services,
responsibility for these decisions is delegated to the Council of Science and Engineering.
" This resolution has been adopted every year, giving the Council virtual control the
detailed administration of the colony although the "nay" votes typically runs
from 20 to 25 percent.
The Council itself is not an elected body. A roster of future council members is
available for public inspection, and new members are chosen from this list (in order of
their name being added to the list) as older members leave service. Terms of service
usually end when a member decides to do something else, although a few determined members
serve until death. In theory, anyone could have a council member dismissed, or a potential
council member stricken from the list, by submitting a referendum on the matter to the
Public Forum, and having more than 50 percent of the population vote against that person.
In practice, this has never been successfully done, although the threat of this keeps the
council in line with the general wishes of the population.
In keeping with the original intent to make LFCAW of moneyless community, taxes are not
required of the population. Businesses do have to remit a portion of their profits (but
typically not as much as they do in the Core). Residents, on the other hand, have the
option of working part of the year for the Foundation in lieu of paying taxes. This can be
through contributing to one of the Foundations research projects, or performing
administrative or technical work in support of the Colonys public functions, or even
providing menial labor. The catch is that the Council, under the authority of the annual
administrative resolution noted above, is solely responsible for determining when and
where this duty will take place, and what it will consist of. The alternative offered is a
traditional tax, forfeiting to the Council a portion of ones economic gains for the
year. More and more Lifers are selecting this option.
The Council does not pass laws, per se. Lawmaking is a function of a national
government, and the Council refuses to admit to being one of these. Therefore, it enforces
"Community Consensus Agreements" and other vaguely worded statutes that express
the desires of the inhabitants of the colony. It neither creates nor enacts these rules.
Thanks to the public resolution nature of the colonys government, all
"CCAs " are created suggested- by inhabitants (The foundation avoids
the term "citizen. Again, the extra-national thing. Citizenship requires a nation to
be a citizen of.)
Even a member of the Council of Science and Engineering, when posting a new Agreement
to the Public Forum for a vote, does so in the role of Inhabitant, rather than
Administrative Official. One may think the Public Forum is a hodgepodge of referendums
posted by serous thinkers, activists, and outright quacks. LFCAW has a method for dealing
with this. When responding to a referendum, a Lifer has three options: Yeah, Nay, or
Ignore. The referendums are all listed on the Public Forum by the ratio of active
responses, Yeah or Nay, to Ignore responses. Therefore, the referendums towards the top of
the list tend to be the ones the inhabitants take more seriously. The ones towards the
bottom are the ones being dismissed as wastes of time. There are a lot of creative
solutions to the questions of politics in LFCAW, and this is one of them. This has also
led to an interesting Lifer idiom. When a Lifer refers to something as being "bottom
of the stack", it means he or she believes it to be a really dumb idea.
The referendum has also altered the nature of political campaigning in LFCAW. When one
wants to spend money to back a political cause, it is the idea, not a political party or a
politician than gets the support. After all, anyones can post a referendum, and the
politicians dont have the power to create it (aside, of course, form the minor
administrative decisions). Therefore, the typical campaign consists of efforts to support
a referendum question, which may begin long before the question is actually posted tot he
Public Forum. The politically adept Lifer knows how to gauge the waters of public opinion,
and post his or her pet referendum at the moment when support is beginning to peak.
Naturally, there are a number of politically oriented media companies active in New
Cambridge that will organize and produce the campaign, for a fee. These companies tend to
be politically mercenary. They will be just as likely to campaign against a referendum as
for it, depending on which side offers the more lucrative contract.
Diplomatic Representation and Foreign Policy
The only foreign office in the Colony is the Republic of
Texas Liaison Office. On any given day, the vast majority of the non-Lifers (the locals
refer to them as "nationals") present in LFCAW will be Texans, mostly from New
Bexar, and mostly university students. The Life Foundation offices scattered throughout
human space usually handle relations between LFCAW and various foreign governments. The
Foundation is careful not to involve itself in international politics, at least not
Relations with the neighboring Texans are good on the official level, with numerous
examples of cooperation between the two colonies. The Rectenna and the power sharing
arrangements are a prime example, as is Stair University. There are a few difficulties on
the private level, and these mostly relate to the protective attitude the Lifers have
towards the ocean, and the occasional actions of Texan colonists not in keeping with that
attitude. The Texans have a habit of mimicking some of the activities of the Lifers in
regards to exploitation of the oceans resources, but in haphazard and often
destructive ways. For example, they have ripped up entire seaweed beds in order to obtain
the same fibers harvested by the Lifers. While the lifers do their harvesting with careful
attention to environmental impact, the Texan colonists often work in ways minimizing the
beds capability to restore itself. This has led to the Life Foundation colonists
deciding that occasional sabotage of an irresponsible Texan seaweed harvest is justified.
For their part, the situation almost makes the Lifers appreciate the fact that the
Austins World ecosystem is too primitive to have produced significant
petrochemicals, which require massive land based vegetation for large-scale formation.
From the Texan point of view, the very small amount of seaweed harvesting actually done by
the Texans might actually impact the Austins World ecology, but in five or six
centuries, long after the ecology has been utterly distorted by other means.
When tensions are a their highest, Texan and Life Foundation law enforcement personnel
frequently conduct joint operations. At their worst, these conflicts are creates only by a
small fraction of the population in both colonies. The more routine problems are caused by
Texan college students at Stair University, many of them from conservative backgrounds,
newly exposed to the permissive atmosphere of the Life Foundation Colony, and
Starship Operations
There are no facilities in LFCAW to support starship
landings, and no facilities for interface operations, although there is a communications
array that supports interface communications. LFCAW maintains an office on Texass
orbital terminal, and all cargos and passengers reach the surface, or are brought to
orbit, from New Bexar. The exceptions to this are the occasional small courier vessels
that put down at the two major airfields in the colony, Dostoyevsky Field in Joyce
Environ, and Wildsky Field in Belafonte. Neither airfield has facilities to service
spacecraft, other than providing fuel. Nor do they have control facilities capable of
directing a landing. Landings are restricted to favorable wind conditions. As a result,
these fields are unavailable even for the rare scheduled landings about a third of the
time. These facilities are used only by a handful of craft under special conditions, and
only with the prior approval of the Life Foundation.
Aircraft are rarely used on Austins world due the
frequent high winds, the dust storms encountered over land, and the higher than normal
gravity. The principal mode of transportation is by sea, with hydrogen powered ground
vehicles providing transport on the islands. New Cambridge is the major port of entry,
although small craft and ferries connect all of the inhabited islands.
After years of trying, the Life Foundation admitted, in 2282, that it could not operate
a ferry service as efficiently as private industry. Bids were requested, and the proposal
accepted was from Videmak Marine, based on Earth, and generally running coastal freighters
in the Andaman Sea area. By what is clearly not coincidence, this contract was awarded
just as the Life Foundation was pushing a strong recruitment drive in India.
Videmaks competitors cried foul, but the Life Foundation was and still is
under no obligation to accept the lowest bidder in any request for offers. In fact, the
policy of the Life Foundation is to specifically select bidders based on social
obligations. Videmak leased from the Life Foundation the three hydrogen powered ferries
then in service, and has since added two more. With some operating difficulties the first
year, Videmak has since had its contract renewed, and it is expected to gain a second
renewal in 2303. One of the strongest bypassed competitors was Wind Rock Line, a startup
operation in New Bexar that expected some local loyalty. Eventually, the Life Foundation
realized the value of maintaining a competitor to Videmak, and authorized Wind Rock Line
to take over several ferry routes. Both lines are allowed to make the most important run-
the crossing between New Cambridge and Travisville. Wind Rocks inferior initial
position was more than made up by the preferences of Texans (who make up a substantial
portion of the traffic between the two colonies) for their countrymens enterprise,
the two lines are now about equal in size. Videmak still has the edge in the inter-island
service, and Wind Rock leads on the main run. Both lines have passenger, cargo, and
vehicle capability. Rates are similar. Wind Rocks service between Travisville and
New Cambridge is faster by about twelve minutes, but travellers credit Videmak with better
food. In addition to these two lines chartered by the Life Foundation, many boat owners,
Texan and Lifer, pick up side cash making charter runs between islands. Many of the small
craft, private as well as public, are sail powered, and some are hybrid sail-hydrogen
powered vessels. Trimaran designs are popular for their sea keeping qualities. The Life
Foundation has a number of its own vessels, all hybrid type trimarans. These are used in
research and in a utility role. They will occasionally take passengers between islands.
This irritates the ferry operators, but the real impact on their business is marginal.
Such runs are generally made when a public interest is being served; for example, in
transporting a research team to a survey site, or bringing in an engineering crew to
establish a new settlement on an outlying island.
Road conditions outside of New Cambridge are generally poor, and even the minor roads
in New Cambridge are considered questionable. One decent four lane highway connects New
Cambridge with the industrial and mining settlements in Maimonides, and a reasonable
roadway run along the leeward shore of Belafonte, then turns inland to connect the coastal
communities with Wildsky field and the Windmill Farms. Hydrogen powered public busses link
those communities that cannot adequately be served by sea. Many Lifers dont own
vehicles at all, walking, using busses, or getting around with watercraft. Those that do
tend do buy durable, off road capable machines. Light trucks and vans are popular. Also,
sales of off road motorcycles are rising rapidly in the colony. Hovercrafts are not so
common as would be expected. This is an environmental phenomenon. Prior to the arrival of
humans, Austins Worlds landmasses were devoid of life. Between the lack of
organic material in the soil and the strong winds, Austins Worlds soil tends
to contain a lot of loose, fine dust. This is bad enough when its only tires kicking
up the dust. Hovercraft tend to produce huge blooms of opaque, choking dust when they
speed across a section of drier than average soil. The normally tolerant Lifers draw the
line here.
Hydrogen fuel and service support for vehicles is obtained through the network of
Novvus Service Stations, chartered by the Life Foundation to operate throughout the
colony. This special monopoly is granted with the proviso that Novvus will maintain
service stations even in remote and unprofitable locations. The service stations
themselves remain the property of the foundation. Novvus is merely the operator.
Air service is minimal and consists of private general aviation aircraft, some of which
are available for charter, and Sunshine Aviation, a Belafonte based company that operates
a few flights between Belafonte, New Cambridge, and New Bexar. Bad weather forces frequent
delays, and costs are high, since Sunshine is taxed highly. Still, theyll get
passengers around much faster than the ferries will.
No rental agencies exist to serve visitors. Lifers in dire need of a vehicle for some
important purpose will often be assigned one from the Life Foundation motorpool. Visitors
may freely bring vehicles into the colony, although vehicle fees on the ferries are much
higher than passenger fees. Companies in New Bexar often rent vehicles to be taken into
the Life Foundation Colony. There is no licensing requirement, nor is there an insurance
Security and Intelligence Services, and Judicial System
The Lifers have an unusual approach to law enforcement.
Rather than rely strictly on the token professional law enforcement staff available to the
foundation, the inhabitants are empowered to enforce the colonys rules and
regulations. The colonys leadership avoids the term "law", as it implies
the kind of restrictive governance the Life Foundation Colony is supposed to eschew. The
term "agreement" is more often used, although terminology varies.
The full time professional law enforcement unit is the Councils Division of
Public Safety. The name was appropriated from the Texas Rangers. It fits in well with the
Lifer Ethos. If youre going to have an armed body serving the public, might as well
give it as uplifting and non-violent a name as possible. This is a small group. The island
Environ of Belafonte has its own police force, with a dozen distinctively costumed
officers. This gives a total of only 75 public safety specialists, the Life Foundation
Colony has one of the smallest proportions of security officers to general population to
be found in Human Space. Fortunately the careful recruitment strategy, and advanced social
engineering, as well as small size and a very highly educated population, have resulted in
a remarkably crime free society. There are the antics of university students run amok to
contend with, and occasional frictions with the colonists of New Bexar, and every now and
then one of the Lifers goes bad. Even more rarely, an off worlder arrives thinking to take
advantage of the lax society of the colony. Its always a mistake. Liberalness is not
naivete, and the Lifers can take care of themselves in their own style.
The Life Foundation Colony has no official intelligence agency. That doesnt mean
they are clueless, in fact, they seem very knowledgeable about the goings on behind the
curtains. They are surprisingly good at gleaning secrets from analysis of open source
information. They also make use of the services of a number of amateur spooks, some of
which occasionally obtain useful material. They are also provided with information by
other members of the Foundation, which is well scattered across humanitys little
piece of the cosmos. LFCAW doesnt actually have much in the way of intelligence
needs, so it seems they are better served than they have to be. Still, the Lifers like to
Know About Things, and if those things are considered secrets by somebody else, so much
the better. Intelligence thus gathered is often used as a commodity in international
relations. In other words, the Lifers will rat someone out to make a friend. Information
processed from open sources is often added to Stair Universitys curriculum. Some
governments have been embarrassed by students being taught about incidents they had
thought flawlessly concealed.
There is no conventional judicial system in LIFCAW. Disputes are settled by
arbitration, or, as a last resort, by the Board of Ethics, convened by the Council of
Science and Engineering when the situation requires. With no written code of criminal or
civil law, the Board of Ethics decides the case on philosophical grounds. In the situation
under examination, did the defendant act rightly or wrongly? That is the only question
they seek to answer. Judicial and legal professionals throughout the Human sphere have
ridiculed this solution to law, but in polls, lifers rate their Board of Ethics as more
reliable and more likely to produce a just result than "nationals" rate their
own legal systems. If anything, since there are no lawyers involved, the Life Foundation
has achieved a system under which the personal wealth of the defendant has no bearing on
the outcome of the case. Unless, he or she is smart enough to use that wealth to hire a
Doctor of Ethical Philosophy as a coach. Most dont think of this.
Community service is the most common punishment meted out by the arbitrators and the
Board of Ethics. In typical Lifer style, the term "restitutive activity" is used
instead of punishment. It means the same in the end. Fines are rarely used, as most people
have no ability to pay them. Visitors and recent immigrants may be deported to their
points of origin. LFCAW has a small, emergency detention facility in the Council of
Science and Engineerings Public Safety Annex Building. This can handle only a dozen
people or so at a time, and is normally used to hold detainees only until the next ferry
departure for Travis. LFCAW contracts out its prison requirements to the Texans. This has
a strong deterrent effect, especially since the Life Foundation has no organization to
whom a mistreated prisoner can complain.
Medical Services
Health care is provided free as an inalienable right to the
inhabitants of the Life Foundation Colony, and as a free courtesy to visitors injures or
falling ill while in the colony. Visitors arriving with a condition are billed by the
Foundation for services rendered. Even so, its often cheaper than services in for
profit institutions elsewhere. The Stair University Hospital, although small, is very
advanced for a frontier world, and is often sought out by patients from New Bexar and
elsewhere in the Latin Finger. Every now and then, some individual convinced of his own
cleverness comes to the colony with an existing condition, stays a week or two, then tries
to pass off the ailment as something recently acquired. These individuals are always sent
packing, untreated, as the Lifers resent outsiders trying to cheat them. Their medical
technology is certainly advanced enough top determine the age of a condition.
Patients in the colony are often at some distance from the hospital, and the colony is
well supported by a large proportion of the population being medically skilled. It is not
necessary for a person to have a license to practice medicine in the Colony, but since
service is free, this laxity attracts no charlatans. Emergency medical facilities are kept
aboard all of the Life Foundations larger trimarans, all of the ferries, and aboard
many smaller craft, public and private. Still, distances are often great, and some lifers
on the fringes of their civilization have died from injuries that would have been easily
repaired, had they been close enough to New Cambridge.
LFCAW Military
The Life Foundation rejects the premise that is a de facto
national entity, and asserts that it would therefore be inappropriate to maintain military
forces. An armed Life Foundation force would also be contrary to the non-violent
Universalist ethics of Lifers. But, it is recognized if not publicly admitted that every
now and then the some less socially developed element of humanity forces the Foundation to
perform a reality check. There will always be those problems best solved through discreet
and judicious application of high explosives. When the need arises, the Life Foundation
generally seeks eschews foreign assistance. They are Universalists, after all, and such
blatant political alignment is against their creed. Of course, this is less of a problem
when the villain is held in general low regard throughout humanity, such as the occasional
terrorist organization. Most of the time, however, the Life Foundation turns to
mercenaries to solve its more intractable problems. Even most mercenary organizations
present the wrong image for the Lifers, and they are careful about who they select.
One mercenary company in particular has a long term contract to provide protective and
rapid response services to the colony on Austins World . This firm, Broome and Van
Peert Professional Services, Sb, keeps a low profile, with its office in Joyce comfortably
out of sight. Contracted to maintain a thirty man force in LFCAW, they actually field
slightly more, as they accept work outside the colony and use their Joyce office as a
regional headquarters. B&VP troops arent the type to wear "deaths
head" patches or other crude insignia. They have a reputation as a dignified,
cultured, professional outfit. This suits the Life Foundation well. They would never allow
one of the more "colorful" agencies to base themselves in their colony.
B&VP, as far as is known, has no tactical vehicles on the planet, and a handful of
heavy weapons at best. Most Lifers arent even aware of their function, although
their presence is an open secret. They do seem evasive about their line of work, though.
Most of the time, B&VP is occupied keeping an eye out for trouble and drafting and
redrafting contingency plans to meet the changing needs of the colony. Within LFCAW, they
havent fired a shot with intent to harm in years. Occasionally they provide
bodyguards for individuals who have reason to believe their life is threatened. The last
"real" action Broome and Van Peert was involved in, within the Life Foundation
colony, was six years ago, and it began with an assignment of this nature.
As far as is known, the colony has no other military forces available.
Education and Research
Academia is the heart and soul of the Life Foundation Colony.
Research efforts are centralized through Stair University, which overseas the assignments
of field survey teams, and distributes grant money to the scientists and professors who
work and teach at the University. Stair University is the only university (or college, for
that matter) in the colony. It is also the best on the planet, among the top in the
Chinese Arm, and is well regarded even in the core. The curriculum, while stretching to
the bizarre at times, includes classical education as good as will be found anywhere. The
programs in Ecoscience, Terraforming, Acquaculure, Planetary Management, Sociology,
Xenology, and Civil Design attract students from everywhere. The local students make up a
significant proportion of the student population as higher education is nearly universal
in LFCAW, and there isnt anywhere else to go. As of 2301, the student population
(undergraduate and graduate) was as follows:
Life Foundation Colony Residents: 12,290
New Bexar (Texan Colony) Residents 11,470
Incan Colony Residents 1,200
From Elsewhere in the Chinese Arm 7,310
FromThe Core 16,940
From Other Arms 2,010
Total 51,220
Life Foundation Residents attend for free, and almost all colony residents of
university student age attend. There is a small fee for the Incans, a larger one for the
Texans, and high tuitions for everyone else, netting Stair University over 300,000,000 Lv
in revenue, not including meal charges. Stair University is also the largest employer in
the Colony, with over 7,000 making their primary living through the University.
Stair University is known for unconventional, out-of-classroom teaching methods
designed to give students real world experience in addition to scholarly knowledge. This
method also supplies Stair University with free labor to apply to projects. One area in
which Stair University maintains a strong air of academic tradition is in the school
ceremonies, especially the graduation ceremony, a long, pompous and tiresome affair at
which students are congratulated, handed their degrees, and marched around while wearing
gowns and square hats.
There is a reason for this, and it also explains the color of the gowns- white, whereas
most universities still engaging in this quaint, ancient tradition (primarily in the
United Kingdom, where the calendars have apparently been running backwards for quite some
time now) use either black or traditional "School Colors". 5 years ago, a
wealthy Texan alumnus, Phyllis Martinez, endowed the Phyllis Martinez Chair for
Xeno-Ethical Studies. Grants from Texans are not unusual, as the population of New Bexar
tends to look at Stair University as theirs as much as it is the Lifers. After all, the
New Bexar enrollment is almost as high as the local enrollment. What was unusual in this
case was that the endowment specified that the Chair was to be filled by a visiting Eber
professor. Fortunately, Phyllis Martinez, through contacts at the New Austin enclave on
Kormoran, had already arranged this with the Ebers. The first Eber professor arrived,
accompanied by a small staff of Ebers, and a few family members, and their Texan
interpreter/advisor, who had worked with the Ebers for some time on Kormoran. The advisor
immediately suggested that the Eber be given an honorary degree and full professorship,
since the Ebers understood the meaning of academic hierarchy and would feel discredited if
their visiting professor lacked the credentials of its humans colleagues. The Texan also
stressed that this be done in full academic ceremony; caps, gowns, speeches, a mediocre
rendition of "Pomp and Circumstance" by the Stair University Band, etc.
The visiting Ebers were very impressed, and after that, did some research on their own
through SUDAC, the Stair University computer. The seemed to regard the tradition of
academic robes in human university tradition as very important, and informed the humans
that were making serious mistakes in not preserving this ritual. Not wanting to offend,
and in fact eager to "break the ice" with the Ebers, the Stair University
officials agreed, and reinstated every academic tradition they could uncover. They were
slightly perplexed when the Ebers then informed them that the color was wrong, and they
ought to have white robes, especially considering the strong academic emphasis on
philosophy. The humans took this to mean that white robes were the traditional garments of
Eber philosophers, and happily went along with the Ebers suggestion. This was
facilitated by the fact that the most comfortable locally produced cloth, the seaweed
derived "Marite", is a shiny white material in its undyed, newly processed
state. Two other Ebers have occupied the Chair since, but all seem to agree on the
importance of academic ceremonies, and all have attended every one they could. In the
whole, its been good for the University. The tuition is high,, and so is the cost of
getting there, but where else can you be assured, even if pursuing a degree in something
utterly unconnected to Xeno-Ethical Philosophy (and each class in that always has a
waiting list) that there will be an actual Eber giving a speech at the graduation
Communications and Media
The wide range of entertainment and information available
from the Life Foundation computer network, managed by Stair Universitys
"Distributed Computer" (so named since central functions area actually
distributed amongst separate semi-parallel assemblies) covers just about anything one
could possibly want to see or hear. This limits the audience for a conventional broadcast
network. Netcasting is available almost everywhere in the colony. Most of the traffic is
transmitted over the electromagnetic spectrum rather than cabled. This will be a problem
if the colony grows- only so many frequencies are available, and sooner or later, there
will be insufficient bandwith available to meet netcasting demands, and a hard wired
system will have to be installed. The archipelago nature of the colony, with a widely
dispersed population, will make this difficult.
Two major on-line services predominate in netcasting here. They dont compete, in
fact, both are elements of the Life Foundation. The Stair University Network makes
scientific, educational, and cultural programs available, while the Life Forum Network
handles programming of general interest, in addition to hosting the Public Forum and other
instruments of civil function.
Other programming is handled by a variety of mostly amateur operated networks. The
communications net here is only a tiny speck compared to the ones in the Core, but the
Life Foundation sees a surprising variety of interests. Popular alternative netcasters
here include Media Ghandi, with a strong spiritualist leaning, BelafonteNet, with its
Caribbean heritage, and the comic but sharply political Lifers Peoples
Pontificating Popular Network of the People. This last group has taken upon itself to
parody not only the Life Foundation, but every other institution and cultural icon held
dear by Humanity. Their refusal to play favorites is probably the reason they are more
loved than hated, although the Texans (New Bexar has full access to LFCAW based
netcasting) do seem to believe they get singled out for LPPPNPs abuse more than
There is no news network. Each of the netcasters mentioned above, and a number of small
time operators, reports news of topical interest to them, and general news from the major
interstellar networks is available from the Texan netcasters and broadcasters. (The data
network connections run two ways.)
Belafonte has a small broadcasting service, playing ethnic music, located at Wildsky
field. Their signal is hard to receive away from the island, although there is discussion
about setting up repeater antennas in New Bexar, and New Cambridge.
Crucial to the planning of the Life Foundations Colony
was the idea that it be agriculturally self supporting as soon as possible. Austins
World offered the Life Foundation the advantage of having no existing land based ecosystem
to compete with, along with the disadvantages of soil devoid of the organic nutrients
necessary for crops, and a growing season and climate regime that can only be
characterized as bizarre. Raising crops on Austins World means adapting the local
soil, which contains no organics, for use by crop plants, which require rich, fertile
soil. A number of techniques are in use to turn the sterile soil into living habitat. For
example, LFCAW is one of the few places in Human space where organic solid waste has
intrinsic value. Mixing with native soil and infused with the appropriate microbes is
often the first step in establishing a new, seedable habitat.
Many of the Life Foundations research projects are aimed at agriculture. Two
purposes are served, in addition to the expansion of food, textile, and organic chemical
production. First, the data gained is distilled into scientific knowledge, which the
Foundation can apply- and often sell- on other planets. Despite the vast differences
between the ecosystems of different worlds, lessons learned on one can often be applied on
others. Secondly, by participating in research work, the farmers become scientists as well
as agriculturalists, and eligible for the official support of the Foundation. The
situation is reminiscent of the American State of Vermont during the late twentieth
century. There, small family farms, especially those raising wool producing sheep, were
largely unprofitable. However, by keeping meticulous records, weights of livestock, wool
production, feed and water consumption, etc., the farmers were participating in government
run research programs, and therefore eligible for grants. These grants often made the
difference between a failing farm and one capable of supporting the owners.
The colony has experimented with literally thousands of different species of crop
plants, and thousands of genetically engineered variations on those species. One of the
themes is to produce as varied a diet as possible. Many plants, unfortunately, have had
great difficulty adapting to conditions on Austins World. Many of the most
successful ones have been those that require high concentrations of nutrients and water,
allowing the farmers to limit their efforts to small, high performance areas rather than
terraforming vast plots. Plants that grow low to the ground, and can therefore be more
easily protected by windbreaks, also have an advantage. To date, LFCAW farmers have
achieved great success with peas and other legumes, melons, pumpkins and squashes,
potatoes and root vegetables of all sorts, and rice. The most successful livestock have
been chickens, although there is a growing population of goats on Belafonte, which
provides meat and dairy products to the rest of the colony.
The Lifers are better known for their success with marine harvesting. This is the term
in general use here, preferable to "fishing" firstly because the oceans of
Austins World have no fish, and secondly because the term embraces the collection of
other marine organism, such as plants and sessile animals. In addition to food, the Lifers
harvest a variety of useful materials from marine organisms. Many of the local creatures
are edible and the Life Foundation s working hard to make the experience of eating them
actually enjoyable. Skreels, meter long school swimming, siphon propelled micro-carnivores
occupying a niche similar to the Earth sardine, are actually quite tasty. Biologically,
they are closer in structure to worms than eels, and some of the Lifers have proposed
renaming them "Sea-Worms" to better reflect their structure, with the added
bonus that the Texans will be less prone to over-harvest the creatures if they thought
they were eating worms.
Some native plants and animals are harvested for non-food products. Several aquatic
plants yield natural fibers from which textiles can be woven. Chavribe fibers are strong
and yield a material similar in many qualities to hemp. Marite is processed from a
different species. It is a soft, lightweight cloth, pale white in its raw (but bleached)
form. Marite is a popular textile used in locally produced clothing, as it takes to dyes
well. The tough skin of the stinger, the poisonous squidlike carnivore that is the only
really dangerous native creature, can be used like leather to produce shoes, belts, and
other items. The stinger is actually a "triple payoff" creature. Aside from the
leathery skin, the flesh is edible and the poison, properly extracted, is being researched
as a source of veterinary drugs. Finally, there are the long, free floating colonial
organisms called Colonellids. These creatures, which are actually attached groupings of
independent organisms (similar in concept to Earths Portuguese Man Of War) look like
strings of giant, moss covered pearls. The melon like "pearls" are filled with a
natural fatty liquid and serve the creature as buoyancy chambers. The substance is also
the basis of the Life Foundation Colonys organic chemistry and plastics industries,
both small and serving primarily domestic needs.
There have been several experiments concerned with the adaption of Earth marine
organisms to the Austins World environment. Several species of shrimp have been
successfully raised in small, coastal farms. Shrimp farming is spreading, in the Life
Foundation Colony and in New Bexar, and the shrimp themselves have spread beyond the
farms. According to the Lifers, the spreading Earth shrimp are all of Texan origin- and
despite Texan denials, Stair University has collected the DNA evidence to prove it. This
leads to some friction with the Texans, over the subject of proper stewardship of the
native environment. The Texans responded with a series of animated cartoons, telling the
story of the fictitious sentient and civilized species of Austins World. Tiny marine
invertebrates, these hapless beings fight a losing battle trying to save their planet and
their highly advanced culture from the depredations of invading, alien, giant shrimp.
The Life Foundation has made exploitation of local food sources a priority. To this
end, they actively promote development of cuisine utilizing native species. Would be
colonial chefs, take note: this is the only colony in Human space willing to hand out
research grants for the development of recipes. Much of the colonys achievements
take some getting used to. Sometimes, that proves impossible, but there have been a few
discoveries the Lifers can take pride in. Simmered Brachasoid with Onion and Grated Goat
Cheese is not one of them, but Spiced Fillet of Dusky Shelled Siphonolate is. Eat
Originally, the Life Foundation planned to institute a
cashless society in the colony. People would contribute their labors freely, and the
colony would distribute goods and services as they were required. In hindsight, one
wonders how such an organization, with access to some of humanities most brilliant minds,
could have actually believed this. Its not a matter of ideology- economic science
has long proved that, as meteorologists are limited in their ability to forecast weather
conditions, economists cannot forecast the minutia that would be required to efficiently
direct a command economy. Simple problems like calculating the relative value of, say, an
hour of a carpenters time compared to a kilogram of iridium, over time, are forever
beyond the capability of even the most powerful computers. Furhtermore, wiothout a money
sytem in place it would impossible for Lifers to interact with outsiders on an individual
level, and visitors to the colony would have similar problems.
Conveerting back to a money based economy, however, had problesm as well. In
particular, the actual money supply in the Life Colony wasnt up to the task, and the
colony was immediately thrown into a severe cash flow problem. This was resolved with a
patch-together solution, the "GASILOS" system. This acronym stands for
"Goods and Services in Lieu of Salary". At first, it was a means to measure the
monetary value of items for personal use furnished to the colonists by the Life
Foundation. It is now the basis of an elaborate barter based trade system mediated by the
Stair University Computer. It is still not as flexible as a pure monetary system, but the
Lifers have unusual faith in their computer. Gradually, as the money supply improves, the
colony is converting to a monetary base. For ease of commerce with their near neighbor,
(Their nearer and much, much larger neighbor) the Life Foundation Colony adopted the Texas
Dollar as their medium of exchange.
All transactions are carried out through the communications network, mediated by the
Stair University computer. Visitors must establish an account upon arrival. This can be
done only at the ferry terminals at New Cambridge and the other islands, or at Dostoyevksy
or Wildsky fields. The unintended side effect of this policy is to render unofficial
visiting very difficult, as the "off the net" economy is extremely small.
There are two centers of commerce in LFCAW. Neither are great trading centers, as the
colony offers a small and remote market, overlooked by most of the major corporations.
Both offer a small number of retail shops, restaurants, professional offices, a
"Novvus" service station, and other institutions. Most of these companies are
new arrivals, as the colony has only been attractive to since the phasing in of the Texas
Dollar. The larger of the two is Satyagraha Square, the waterfront area surrounding the
ferry terminal. (The name is taken from a central philosophy of Ghandi, and means
"grasping or holding to the truth"). Satyagraha Square is home to the
colonys premier hotel, the Windbreaker, as well as a franchise of Route 66. This
very popular Texan restaurant chain has a strong following here. While not as legendary as
the Route 66 on the Orbital Terminal, New Cambridges is the largest Route 66 on the
The other commercial area in New Cambridge is the Stair University Commercial Quarter,
e wedge shaped area extending from the heart of the university complex out towards the
central area of New Cambridge. This strip caters to the students and faculty of Stair
University. The restaurants are cheaper and more exotic, and the same can be said for most
of the shops. One standout establishment is Poetic Justice. This sprawling enterprise
combines a café, a performance space used by cutting edge- perhaps a bit beyond the
cutting edge- entertainers, and a book store. Thats an old fashioned, ink on pressed
wood pulp bookstore, one of the few in existence. Poetic Justice is also the only literati
hangout this side of Beta Hydri. Nearby is the other extreme of LFCAW culture, the noisy,
rowdy Klub Arktika. It attracts an entirely different sector of the student population
than Poetic Justice.
The other Environs all have small commercial areas, generally a few shops along a
single street.. Plato has a "peoples mall" selling locally produced
artwork, although pieces can also be found- at higher prices- in shops in Satyagraha
Square. Belafontes clothing stores are better stocked than most of the others in
Colony. In all, New Bexar offers far more variety of almost everything, and many Lifers
hop a ferry to Travisville for shopping sprees
Most of the electric power in LFCAW is provided by the Rectenna complex, located on the
fringe of Joyce. This is not one Rectenna but several, co located with the colonys
surface to space communication and tracking antennas. (Its a fortunate thing the
Life Foundation has no real enemies. Such an arrangement, although convenient from an
engineering point of view, presents a very tempting military target.) The Rectennas
receive power beamed down from satellites in the form of microwaves, and retransmit it
throughout the colony. The initial investment is high, but the systems life this produce
very low cost power once operational. LFCAWs Rectenna complex provides power to the
Texan and Incan colonies as well, and the other colonies share in the operating expenses.
In particular, the satellites are maintained from the Texan orbital terminal. The Incans
are tasked only to maintain their stretch of the power transmission network.
The Rectenna has limitations, the primary one being the limited coverage of the
colonys power transmission network, compared to the dispersion of the population.
Some of the lifers have turned to alternate sources of energy. The most common is wind
power. Exploited for years by sea going Lifers, it was ignored as a power source on land.
Things changed after cylindrical sails began appearing on Life Foundation vessels. Unlike
conventional sails, this tall round towers use wind power to spin a flywheel, which in
turn provides electric power. Unlike conventional sails, its efficiency doesnt vary
with wind direction. They were quickly adapted for use on land, where the strong
prevailing winds of Austins World provide a reliable, clean source of energy. A
company on Nobel now churns out several cylindrical sail towers a week, and they are
beginning to sprout up throughout the more remote reaches of the Colony. A long line
stretches across a region of central Belafonte, not only providing power to the island,
but acting as a visual flight aid for landings at Wildsky Field.
Industry and Mining
Industry in LFCAW is small in scope and geared towards local
needs. Particular attention has been paid towards development of substitute products where
the resources of Austins World have been unable to meet the need. For example, the
planet has so far proven to be extremely short on petrochemicals. This is understandable.
The vast terrestrial forests that perished to form Earths petrochemical reserves
never existed here. Hydrogen is certainly readily available as a fuel, being derived from
water by means of Rectenna or wind provided power. Plastics, and other petroleum based
products are harder to replace, but progress has been made towards exploiting native sea
life as a source. Without oil, there is no asphalt from streets. Fortunately, enough
calcium using organisms have lived on Austins World to bequeath the colonists some
supplies of limestone. Little of this is quarryable construction stone, but it can be
converted to lime of the production of cement. There are cement plants in Joyce and
Cervantes, colocated with quarries that serve the handful of engineering firms operating
in the colony, producing quality glass fiber reinforced silica-lime concrete.
Metal extraction, from seawater and from conventional mines, is concentrated in
Maimonides, as are the refining, milling and production industries. Exploitable deposits
of aluminum (bauxite), copper, iron, titanium, manganese, molybdenum, and precious metals
have been found. Production, thus far, is small. Analysis of the planets
geochemistry, however, indicates that there is lot more of everything to be found.
Economically recoverable deposits of Molybdenum, an element less common in the
Earths crust than Tantalum (though slightly) have given a few prospectors hope that
the latter will be found. As the bulk of the planet is under water, finding the stuff, if
it exists in useable deposits at all, wont be easy. Up until now, geologic research
hasnt been a high priority, but the Life Foundation Colony, as well as New Bexar,
expect to step up efforts in the future. Most of the settlements in Maimonides are
designed after the Kibbutz model. Actually, the whole colony, in creating a viable
communal economy from uninhabitable land, has been following the Kibbutz model. Only in
Maimonides has this been generally recognized, though. Each Kibbutz is a small settlement
with a handful of farms and a central economic activity. Tasks are rotated among the
inhabitants, and all major property is communally owned. Factories in Maimonides produce
light consumer goods, parts for vehicles and machinery, scientific instruments, and
personal equipment.
The popularity of marine travel has allowed one boat and ship building concern to take
root and prosper. CivilCraft is headquartered in New Cambridge, where it has its major
yard. Working with locally derived materials, imported components from New Bexar and
Austins World, and a member of subcontractors particularly in Maimonides,
CivilCraft manufactures everything from small personal sailing craft tot he 1000 ton
Arista and 500 ton Beluga class hybrid sail/hydrogen powered trimarans. These two ship
types are used by the Lifers as general utility craft, scientific survey ships, and
fishing vessels. Trimarans offer good sea keeping abilities and high deck area to
displacement ratios, with relatively low mass, and have become the nautical design of
choice. CivilCraft is partly responsible for their popularity.
Entertainment and the Arts
Plato, the most rural and least developed Environ on Bowie
Island, is home to Austins Worlds one significant artists colony. A
decidedly retro group, the Plato artists believe in working with the most ancient of
humanitys materials: natural pigments, clay, glass, whatever else the island
There is a small virtual theatre complex in New Cambridge, and of course the Stair
University Student Association Theater. Other entertainment available in the colony
includes the stage area in Poetic Justice, and Stair Universitys Athletic Center.
Athletics ranks somewhat lower in priority at Stair University than it does at many other
academic centers, and is not a profit center for the institution. Due to the lack of other
large educational institutions on the planet, the teams from Stair University take on
amateur leagues and government sponsored leagues from the rest of the Life Foundation
Colony,. And from New Bexar as well. Stair Universitys Department of Psychosocial
studies sponsors the schools Bucketball team, which meets challengers in the Texan
orbital terminal. As is normal for the Lifers, the biggest associated issue is the naming
of the teams. After years of contention, the Bucketball team was recognized as the
University All-Stairs. Their record is spotty. Generally on the bottom of the Bucketball
pecking order, there are occasional years when they dominate the Latin Finger..
Homegrown entertainment in the performing arts is a rarity in the colony, with the
exception of those well intentioned but amateurish productions of the Stair University
Student body. The colony is a strong if small market for importers of entertainment
recordings of all sorts- music, multimedia, holo, the Lifers will take what they can get.
Since cash flow is a running problem in the colony, Lifers are often willing to turn a
blind eye to copyright violations, if the price is right.
The Living Gallery in New Cambridge presents a view of Terraforming as an art form.
Alongside 3D images of sections of the Austins World landscape prior to development,
there are realtime displays, fed by distant imagers, of those same areas as they appear
currently, having been transformed by Life Foundation knowledge and effort. Whether or not
this is art is a moot point, but the Living Gallery is an excellent showcase of the Life
Foundations terraorming skills.
Most people dont pick the Life Foundation Colony as a
relaxing vacation spot. Recreation opportunities here are pretty much what people invent
for themselves. Competitive sports are popular at the amateur level, and some semi-pro
teams have a following, but professional sports have pretty much ignored the colony so
far. Facilities for many sports for amateurs are pretty hard to come by, and high winds,
which are frequent, can distort many outdoor games. The largely barren, windswept
landscapes, though slowly being replaced with familiar Earth ecologies, are uninspiring
for nature lovers. There is also the wind to contend with. The sea offers richer
possibilities, and the Lifers enjoy boating, swimming, fishing, and diving. Only the
Windbreaker, the top hotel in New Cambridge, offers assistance to visitors wishing to
partake in these activities, They rent out diving equipment and small boats, and have
instructors and guides available.
Recreational aviation is gaining in popualrity here. Personal gliders and ornithiders
are available at Dostoyevsky field, and to a lesser extent at Wildsky field. Adventurous
individuals should be forwarned: Austins Worlds weather patterns make this
activity uniquely challenging, and there have been anumber of fatalities. The high winds
work both for and agaisnt the recreational flyer, nadn the high gravity defitely works
against. Still, it is safe if reasonable precautions are followed, and the flyer stays
within his or her personal limits.
The Life Foundation Recruitment Program
The Life Foundation Colony is not a "well take
anybody" sort of colony. In theory, anyone could wander in and set up a home on an
uninhabited island- and in the case of new Lichtenstein, this has been done. In practice,
its very difficult to survive as an independent. Almost all of the immigrants to the
colony have come at the request of the Life Foundation.
The Life Foundation recruits in two ways. First, they are actively looking for educated
motivated people who already share the social ideal of the Life Foundation. These
individuals are often seeking the Life Foundation in return. Unfortunately, people like
these are often lacking in the practical skills needed to make a colony work. Stair
University certainly employs a lot of ivory tower types, but the fact is that the Life
Foundation Colony can find jobs for only so many Aromatherapy Specialists and Hierarchical
Behavior Consultants. If these people have no other useable skills, or refuse to use them
("Drive a bus? Do you think I earned a doctorate to drive a bus?") they cannot
be absorbed into the colony. In these instances, the recruit will be offered another
position at another Life Foundation office, if one is available. Since the Life Foundation
has operations spread out across Human Space, and practical working types are in demand
only at the Austins World colony, a good position can often be found. The individual
will then be put on a waiting list, with the hope that sooner or later his or her
particular specialty will be needed on Austins World.
The second method is to identify an entire social group that already looks like they
will make promising colonists, and start educating them about the Life Foundation, its
creeds, and the opportunities it offers. A few years of intense education efforts
(propaganda, to some) will usually create a segment of the population willing to relocate.
This is generally done in nations that have no colonization program of the own, where
people are longing for the possibliites of moving out to the frontier. Successful drives
have been mounted in New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, and Caribe.
Stair University Distributed Autonomous Computer
The Life Foundation, until eleven years ago, maintained one
of the most advanced computer systems on Earth. The computer was referred to as a
"distributed system". That is, the computers activities were actually the
functional sums of numerous subordinate activities taking place throughout linked hardware
modules connected by the an optical network. The system was designed to reconfigure itself
to optimize performance, and at its height, there were no computer engineers on Earth or
anywhere else who really understood how it derived its more complex solutions.
Despite the obvious advantages of being on Earth at the heart of human knowledge and
expertise, the entire system was dismantled and moved to Austins world, with the
express intent of it becoming the central computer system for Stair University and the
colony as a whole. The Life Foundation is very secretive about why this was done. Some of
the rumors indicate that the system, now called SUDAC, was a fully sentient artificial
intelligence. One source closer to the project indicated that the computer experienced
frequent data attacks on Earth, a result of being, to hackers, the worlds most
interesting target. Other speculation revolves around the Life Foundation achieving a
hardware or software breakthrough it didnt wish to share with the rest of humanity,
and Austins World was chosen as it is comfortably removed. SUDAC may also have been
moved to Austins world in an attempt to shore up the failing cashless economy, by
predicating and tracking absolute and relative values of goods and services as they
fluctuate in real time, a multiply iterative task beyond the capabilities of ordinary
computers. Finally, there is the possibility, and this is openly discussed by the Life
Foundation, of the Foundations entire operating structure being moved to
Austins world, as part of a massive acceleration of the colonys development.
All of these should be taken with substantial cubes of salt. Remember that the Life
Foundation always talks about a lot more than it actually does.
SUDAC now provides for the official data processing needs of the entire colony,
although many inhabitants posses their own house and portacomps. Its capabilities
are a benefit to Austins World as a whole. SUDACs weather prediction accuracy
is unmatched by the best systems on Earth, Tirane, or Beta Canum Venaticorum. In defense
of the weather modelling systems in use on those three worlds , however,
Austons world appears to haver much simpler meteorological processes. Not so much
land mass, little variance in surface albedo, etc.
SUDAC has numerous functions, including the selecting of investments for the Life
Foundations various low and medium liquidity funds. It does this with accuracy so uncanny
that many brokers throughout human space eagerly await each of SUDACs new
selections. Its no secret that SUDAC keeps the entire Life Foundation in black ink.
The Lifers hardly have a workable economy on their own. Visitors who have been permitted
to interface with SUDAC do come away with the feeling that the system is sentient. It
communicates effortlessly in English, Esperanto, or a number of other languages, although
it often asks unfamiliar speakers to repeat phrases. Official Life Foundation information,
although sketchy, suggests that while it is not sentient, it is very advanced and designed
to model sentience.
Its well known, and has been known for some time, that
the indigenous ecosystem of Austins world is being slowly and irrevocably destroyed.
The Department of Ecological Science at Stair University has conducted numerous studies
confirming this is so. With the introduction of Earth based agriculture to the colony
world, contamination of the world with Earth native microbial life is widespread, and
would be despite any control efforts, which there arent. According to researchers at
Stair University, given any such biological invasion, and given the ability of both Earth
Life and Austins World Life to metabolize each other, the less capable ecosystem
will have to adapt to the former or be eventually destroyed. Conflict at the macro level
will mimic the conflict at the micro level, but despite being more visible, it is the
microbes that really matter in the long run. And Earth microbes appear to be more capable
than the locals. In short, imported Earth shrimp wont destroy the Austins
World marine ecosystems, it will be the microbes imported with those shrimp, which will
either force native microbes to adapt, or destroy them. Since the Earth shrimp are then
better adapted to the triumphant Earth micro-biota system than are their native macro
competitors, the shrimp will triumph. Interestingly, the models developed by the
Department of Ecological Science show that the only factor that can be realistically
controlled is the "progression rate" of any such inter-eco conflict. And since
this rate can never be brought to zero, the conflict will always progress. Further,
despite the best efforts of Earths Quarantine Command, Stair Universitys
models indicate that some leakage will occur, and unless (low probability) Earth organisms
are more advanced at the metabolic level than any potential competitor, Earths
ecosystem too will one day be irrevocably altered by cross-biological contact.
That doesnt mean destroyed, of course, it means altered. Unfortunately, chaos
enters the equations and it becomes impossible to predict which species from the losing
side will survive, and in what form and role. Presented here are a few species from the
waters of the Life Colony- there is no native life on land- that may not be around very
long, geologically speaking. Native animals on Austins world are all invertebrates.
They span an unusual range of forms, compared to Earth organisms. Then again, amongst the
marine invertebrates, Earth organisms span an unusual range of forms, compared with Earth
organisms. The lesson here is that with marine organisms, anything goes. Its
believed only a fraction of the species on the planet has been identified.
Killer. No. Appearing: 1 Initiative: Melee Hit Chance: Routine, Size: 20Kg
Speed 40* Armor .1, Consciousness: 2 Life: 4 WPM 2 DPV .2 Signature 6
The Stinger is a squid like creature, its tentacles joined by a membrane to form an
umbrella like structure. It is the only creature on Austins World considered
significantly dangerous to humans. The stinging elements are at the tips of the arms.
Normal behavior for these creatures is to swim up to and sting a free swimming prey
creature, then engulf the immobilized creature in its arms for feeding. Although
dangerous, the stinger is economically useful. It is not only edible (the poison sacs are
nowhere near the meat portion of the animal, it is also a source of durable leather like
hide as well. It should be noted, a leather like material with better resistance to the
marine environment than conventional animal skin based leather.
Attacks by stingers are rare, as the animal doesnt perceive humans, or anything
too big to be engulfed, as potential prey. Most stingings are the result of animals being
caught or molested by humans.
Stingings are resolved by adding two task roles to be made after being hit by a
Avoid Venom Injection: Routine, Instant
Success indicates the stinger has not injected a significant amount of toxin.
Failure: Proceed to next task.
Avoid Catastrophic Reaction to Venom: Routine, Size, 20 Seconds, Hazardous
Success: Burning, Swelling of Stung Area. 1 shock point.
Failure: 1d6 Shock points. Victim immobilized by pain, muscle spasms 1 hour per shock
Minor Mishap: Near Fatal Poisoning. Victim will be comatose 1d10 x 1d10 Hours
Major Mishap: Fatal Poisoning
Grazer. No. Appearing: 2D6 x D10 1 Initiative: 1 Melee Hit Chance: None,
Size: 10 Kg Speed 10 Armor 0 Consciousness: ? Life: 3 WPM -4 DPV 0 Signature 0 (Aggregate)
The stats above are for an individual creature. Groups of Colonelids will form long
chains, or occasionally, rings, when the end creatures of a chain meet and attach. Each
creature appears to be a whitish sphere with shaggy growths. The spheres contain
commercially valuable natural oil. The creature consumes macroplankton and larvae. Some
researchers believe the spheres are sensitive to pressure changes int eh water, and by
comparing the input of the whole string of creatures, a kind of invertebrate
interferometry, predators and rocks may be detected and avoided. The creature is of
particular interest to scientists, as it is a large and complex colonial organism, a
rarity on all but one other planet, which has taken the theme to ridiculous extremes..
Disk Basker
Intermittent. No. Appearing: 1D6 Initiative: 2 Melee Hit Chance: Difficult,
Size: 100 Kg Speed 40 Armor 0, Consciousness: 6 Life: 10 WPM 0 DPV .1 Signature 0
A free swimming disk shaped creature, commonly found near the ocean surface, feeding on
pelagic plants. The Disk Basker supports a symbiotic growth of simple plants on its back.
These plants benefit by being protected from predators. The Basker apparently obtains some
sustenance from the plants. The Basker has a sphincter like jawless mouth, with a number
of independently moving hard "teeth" inside which it uses to grind up plant
material. The mouth is too weak to grasp and hold a human hand or foot.
Gatherer. No. Appearing: 1 Initiative: 2 Melee Hit Chance: Difficult, Size:
20 Kg Speed 40 Armor 0.4 Shell, 0.1 Elsewhere, Consciousness: 2 Life: 4 WPM 1 DPV .1
Signature 4, None while buried.
A bottom dweller, the Clurtle prefers silty areas where it can quickly bury itself into
the ooze. The Clurtle is a clam like animal, reaching up to a third of a meter across,
with large fleshy paddles that stick out between the shells. These paddles enable it to
swim in the fashion of an Earth sea turtle- hence the name Clurtle, a combination of clam
and turtle. It consumes macro plankton and detritus it finds on the sea floor. An organ in
the Clurtle, the creatures equivalent of a liver, concentrates metals ingested during its
feeding. Although biologists have yet to determine any benefit to the creature resulting
from this, prospectors have discovered that by analyzing Clurtle livers, one can determine
with fair accuracy the geochemical composition of the sea floor.
Hunter. No. Appearing: 1 Initiative: 3 Melee Hit Chance: Difficult, Size: 20
Kg Speed 60 Armor 0.3 Shell, 0 Elsewhere, Consciousness: 2 Life: 4 WPM 1 DPV .1
Signature 4,
The shovelhead is a member of the same order as the Clurtle. In the shovelheads
case, evolution has reduced the coverage of the shells so it protects only the front of
the creature, while the paddles have become much more powerful, the rear two fusing to
form a tail. The Shovelhead hunts its food from under the bottom silt, digging out smaller
creatures, eggs, and other edibles. The name describes the hunting technique pretty well.
Shovelheads are edible, and tasty, and are best accompanied by a dry white wine.