![]() Here are the skills I have come up with for 2300 AD. There are a few missing which I may add later, so bear with me and send me suggestions. One last note, the Martial Arts section is not here yet. A power failure ate it in its complete form and I have yet to stop crying and reformat the charts etc.
Characters can buy Pilot skill in one of six categories: Light Aircraft(single engine propeller aircraft.), Multi-Engined Aircraft(jet or propeller), Fighter Aircraft, Helicopters, Interface Aircraft(rocket planes and shuttles), and Lighter than Air Craft. Spending 1 character point allows the character to add his Combat Value to the vehicles CV and the Character gets and 8- Piloting roll. When a character spends 3 points , he has full Piloting skill (9+DEX/5) with the category of their choice, and 8- roll in other pilot categories. Spending 1 character point per vehicle makes the characters Piloting roll equal to that of the initial category chosen.
This skill is necessary, along with medical, to diagnose and treat a patient placed in an automed. Buying Familiarity (1 character point) with Automed allows a character to stabilize a patient, while full automed (9+INT/5) for 3 points allows a character to treat any wound or sickness. Medical skill or paramedic skill is necessary to diagnose a patient.
This skill allows the character to add 1d6 to his normal STR damage when he's punching or kicking someone, for a cost of 3 Characters points.
This skill allows a character to roll out from a fall, thus being able to stand up without wasting a half phase. The character may also fall from a height of up to 4" and take half damage from the fall with a successful roll. Each +1" of height is a -2 to the Breakfall Roll. If the character makes half his Breakfall Roll, he take no damage from the fall. The damage done from falls can be found in the section on falling. Modifiers to the Breakfall roll would be wounds (-1 to -3), carrying someone or something (-1 to -3), or broken or slippery landing surface (-1 to -3). An unsuccessful Breakfall roll would mean that the character takes damage from the fall.
The character knows when to bribe someone, how to approach them, and how much to offer. The proper bribe can vary greatly from place to place; sometimes its money, but occasionally such things as cigarettes will do. The bribery attempt should be played out as much as possible with the GM allowing a character to make bribery roles at crucial points.
The ability to implant listening devices, visual or other sensors properly. With a successful roll, the character has properly placed their devices and can see/hear as he was in the room. Characters with Bugging skill may also sweep for bugs, searching physically or with detectors. Bugging also includes the ability to listen or watch from a distance with parabolic mikes, telescopes, laser microphones, etc.
Combat Walker pilots require special training to learn to operate the equipment smoothly. If this skill is purchased as a Ground Military skill, it allows the use of common walkers. If as a space military skill, it allows the use of walkers intended for use in low gravity environments. A character can spend 1 character point to receive an 8- roll in all types of combat walkers. In order to buy combat walker as a full skill, 3 points, the character must decide if the skill is Common Walker or Space Walker. This will give the character a full (9+DEX/5) roll in that type of walker and for 1 extra character point, the character can get full skill value for both types of walker.
The character can operate the communications work station on a ship effectively. Communication skill is also necessary to operate any vehicle based communication system.
Gives the character the ability to operate and program computers. The
character may also attempt to discover access codes, gain information, change programming,
and conceal tampering with a successful roll. Some of the common uses for computer skill
include extracting information from data banks, defeating computer assisted security
systems, falsifying records or other data. This is the ability to hide things and to find things that other people have hidden, like important papers, weapons, jewels, artifacts, drugs, etc. The character may also hide him/herself from a search using Concealment. Stealth skill should be used to for any active concealment, as when a character is trying to move silently; only use concealment for nonmoving objects. This skill allows the character to extract information from people with careful conversation. Use of this skill takes time, and if the roll is blown, the subject will realize he is being pumped and will usually clam up.
The character knows how to look for clues, dust for fingerprints, examine evidence, do ballistics tests, examine records, search through files, where to find information, soil tests, DNA comparisons, etc. This skill simulates the amazing scientific deduction talent exhibited by great detectives.
The character may solve simple ciphers, encrypt or encode messages.
Computer skill is a complementary skill to cryptography and access to a computer may aid
in breaking encoded messages. The art of taking several facts and leaping to an unjustified
conclusion. This is the classic detective's skill. Any skill directly connected with the
problem at hand would be a complementary skill. This skill should be used sparingly and
costs 5 character points. This is the ability to use explosives. The Character knows where to plant explosives for maximum effect, estimate the amount necessary to destroy structures, handle and wire explosives. The character may also defuse explosive devices, determine the fusing mechanism and discover any booby traps in an explosive device with the same roll. Civil Engineering, mechanic, or Chemistry may be complementary to Demolitions. Its a good idea to have extra levels in this skill, because if you blow the roll, hehehe. The ability to change your appearance through makeup, costumes, and
acting. Use Disguise versus an INT roll for skill vs. skill to detect a disguise.
Preparations and study will greatly help a disguise roll. Characters in 2300 AD must buy familiarity with this skill in order to know how to drive wheeled vehicles. Spending 1 character point on Driving allows the character to add his Combat Value to the vehicle's; the vehicle thus becomes much harder to hit. The character also gets an 8- Driving roll. You don't have to make this Driving around; the Driving roll is for emergency conditions or attempting unusual maneuvers. The character also has a basic familiarity with speedboats that use a similar steering wheel and pedal combination, as well as large trucks, tractors, or similar vehicles. Characters may drive these, but have no chance to make a Driving roll in an emergency situation or to make an unusual maneuver. When the character buys full Driving Skill for 3 character points, he now has his (9+ DEX/5) roll with cars, and an 8- roll with other similar vehicles; he can also add his CV to those vehicles. Spending 1 Character point on each different type of vehicle brings the Driving roll in those vehicles equal to the Driving roll with cars. The character is trained in electronics, able to identify, understand, repair, and rewire electronic devices. Note that electronic devices can cover a wide range of technology. This skill even allows characters the chance to figure out alien technology and its uses. Electronics is a necessary complementary skill for lockpicking when dealing with electronic locks or alarm systems. A character may buy Familiarity with any Characteristic-based, General,
or Knowledge skill. Familiarity with a skill costs 1 character point and gives you a base
chance of 8- to perform the chosen skill. The cost of Familiarity with a skill counts
toward the cost of a skill if you later buy that skill. Welcome to the exciting world of Forensic Medicine. The character has the ability to make inferences from a corpse about the means of death, how long the person has been dead, etc. Forensic Medicine can also tell you whether the corpse was moved after death, how far the killer was standing from the victim if a gun was used, etc. Complementary skills include Medicine and Criminology. The ability to duplicate official documents, signatures, etc. This
requires time and specialized equipment in most cases. All forgeries are discoverable with
enough checking. Electronics is a complementary skill when dealing with card keys,
electronic credit vouchers etc. The character can operate laser or particle weapons in space or ground combat. A character with this skill knows how to take care of guns, make repairs, make special ammo, or add attachments. He may also clear jammed guns in combat in one phase with a successful Gunsmith roll. In order for a character to repair or maintain energy weapons, lasers and plasma rifles, the gunsmith must also have Electronics skill. Hover vehicles are air cushioned vehicles. Hover vehicles can cross any reasonably flat terrain and carry almost any load. Hover tanks are the most mobile vehicles in modern combat. Characters who buy Familiarity with Hover vehicles for 1 character point get an 8- roll for driving hover vehicles of all types. Buying the full skill for 3 points gives characters a (9+DEX/5) roll in all hover vehicles. The character knows operation and maintenance of general photographic
equipment (including video and holographic devices), as well as the artistic aspect of
their use. The ability to forcibly extract information from people. This skill is not very heroic, and is found most often among villainous henchmen. A character with interrogation skill knows how to avoid leaving marks, can judge how close a victim is to death or breaking, and is an expert on extracting information.
This skill enables the character to design and construct new things. The character needs the complementary skill in the field he's working in.
Knowledge skills cost 2 character points for a base 11- roll. Each +1 costs 1 character point. Generally a knowledge skill can be used by anyone with an 8- chance if they have the appropriate references. This is a very general type of skill, since any attempt to list all of the possibilities would be immense. The basic idea of Knowledge skill is that you define the subject of that knowledge, and the width of your definition tells you how much general and specific knowledge you can expect to have about a subject. Knowledge can be broken down into four basic groups: GROUPS, PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS.
Each player should choose a native language for his character; the character is considered to know his native language well, to the 4 point level as described in the following table.
A character should choose a native language for the
character; the character is considered to know his native tongue at the 4 point level. A character with points in one of the
languages in a 4 point similarity group has one of the languages at a 4 point similarity
group has half those points in all other languages in that group, up to a maximum of 3
points This skill allows the character to pen key locks and defeat combination locks the hard way-without keys. The character is assumed to have some lock picks in order to use this skill. Some locks may be particularly tricky, and have an electronic alarm system of some type connected to the lock or door. Some of the more difficult locks can be a -1 to a -5 modifier to the LOCK PICKING skill roll. Mechanic and Electronic Skills are complementary skills for LOCK PICKING. An unsuccessful LOCK PICKING Roll can mean a jammed lock, an alarm going off, or even a broken lockpick, though usually it just means that the lock was too tough.
Aikido: This is a generally defensive art that uses the opponent's energy against him. Aikido contains many circular motions that the character uses to direct an attacker to a position of disadvantage, AIKIDO
Boxing: Boxing is normally used in a sporting arena and is a straight forward Martial Art, A boxer is very effective, so long as the battle consists of upright punches and blocks. A boxer may find himself at a disadvantage against a well rounded martial artist because of his lack of throws, holds, and other special maneuvers. Note that the Clinch maneuver in the Advanced Boxing package is illegal in regulation boxing.
Commando Training: Commando Training is a mixture of different maneuvers from many martial arts. Since Commando Training has no unifying theme or style, it is in many ways a dead end as for as new maneuvers are concerned. There is no advanced version of Commando Training
Jiu-Jitsu: Jiu-jitsu, or its limited form Judo, is a defensive art consisting mainly of throws and holds. The character slams his opponent to the ground or applies a choke hold in combat. JIU-JITSU (JUDO)
Karate: Karate is a straightforward Martial Art, designed to put an opponent down as soon as possible, Karate developed from weaponed fighting styles, and Advanced Karate includes familiarity with different oriental weapons. KARATE
Kung Fu: Kung Fu is a broader Martial Art than Karate, concentrating less on Strikes and more on flexibility. There are hundreds of different kinds of Kung Fu; the package is a combination of many different styles. KUNG FU
The character is skilled with mechanical devices, knowing how to repair, replace, and build them. This skill also allows a character to gimmick mechanical devices; for instance, deactivating the brakes on someone's car. Tools of some sort are almost always necessary to perform Mechanic skill.
Motorcycles require a different skill to operate than normal Driving skill. The character can buy Motorcycle skill, and all characters are considered to have bicycle riding skill for free with their Motorcycle skill. Spending 1 character point allows the character to add his Combat Value to the vehicle's CV; the vehicle thus becomes much harder to hit. The character also gets an 8- motorcycle roll.
The ability to stop bleeding, repair damage, and generally keep someone alive. When a character has used more Body than he has, he is dying. The character with First Aid may keep him/her alive a with a first aid roll, -1 for every 2 Body over the victim's total. P-Suit This skill allows a character to perform basic tasks in a pressure suit for 3 character points. For advanced work or prolonged periods of time in a pressure suit a character should buy extra levels in this skill. Since pressure suits are most often worn in emergency situations, extra levels are almost a must.
The character can pilot a remote object, such as a missile or sensor drone.
Water vehicles do more than float. While there are many slow moving craft plying the water oceans of many worlds, alternatives such as hydrofoils are fast, mobile and useful. This skill allows characters to drive or guide water vehicles larger than a small speedboat. Sea Vehicle Familiarity (1 character point) gives characters an 8- roll on all watercraft. Full Sea Vehicle skill can be bought for 3 points and the character must chose one type of sea craft, i.e. hydrofoils or standard ships. Once full sea vehicle skill is purchased, a character can add his full roll to one additional size/type sea craft for 1 character point.
The skill gives the character the ability to recognize and evade various types of electronic alarms. Complementary skills would be things such as Electronics, Computer, and Lockpicking.
The character has the ability to operate any sensor work station on a starship effectively. This skill includes any large, ground or vehicle based sensor system.
The ability to follow someone, or to brush off someone following you. Circumstances will considerably aid detection or hinder it. City Knowledge is often a complementary skill.
The character is skilled in the operation and maintenance of the powerful machinery necessary to propel starships through space. Extra skill levels are helpful when trying to delay Stutterwarp discharge or other dangerous engineering feats involving spacecraft.
An extra +1 with individual skills may be purchased as explained for each skill. It is also possible to buy skill levels that give the character a +1 with several related skills. There are two types of levels, listed below. Cost Type of Level 3 +1 with any two related skills 5 +1 with a group of similar skills
The ability to palm items, fool the eye, perform magic tricks, etc. This skill is useful for getting a weapon into your hand without being seen or for transferring objects to someone else without being seen. Sleight of hand can also be used to pick someone's pocket.
The character is familiar with the operation of interstellar and interplanetary ships, but not interface vehicles.
The ability to hide in shadows, move silently, and avoid detection in combat conditions. This skill allows characters to conceal themselves while in motion; if they want to hide use Concealment skill.
This skill gives the character knowledge of the seamy side of civilization: the ability to find the black market, talk to thugs, gain information, etc.
This skill enables the character to live off the land, find food and water, identify dangerous plants and animals, etc. Paying 3 points gives a character base 11- roll on one given planet. Spending 1 character point per extra world will allow a character a full 11- survival roll for that planet, since surviving on Earth is different from Beta Canum Veniticorum.
The character has the ability to follow a trail by observing tracks, marks, etc. A great deal of information can be derived from tracks, such as weight of the person, the number of people, how long ago they passed by, what they were doing, etc. Terrain Knowledge and Area Knowledge are complementary skills.
Characters have to buy Weapon Familiarity in order to know how to use weapons; without this skill, the character takes a -3 OCV penalty for being unused to the weapon. Weapon Familiarity is bought by the Group; to be Familiar with any Group of weapons, the cost is 1 Character point. Familiarity with all the weapons in either the Melee Weapon, Missile Weapon or Small Arm Group costs 2 Character points. You must buy weapon familiarity separately for each weapon group in the Other Groups. All Characters have Familiarity with Club and with Hand-to-Hand Combat for free. The Martial Arts don't require that you buy Weapon Familiarity with them; if you've bought the Martial Art, you have the familiarity for free. CLUBS: This group includes all impromptu clubs (like two by fours, baseball bats, and lead pipes), as well as blackjacks, saps, and shock weapons. KNIVES: Includes throwing knives used in melee, as well as daggers or other fighting knives. QUARTERSTAFF: A six foot long wooden staff. WHIP: a leather bullwhip with a wire core BOWS: The modern compound bow. THROWN KNIVES: Includes throwing knives, shuriken, shaken, or throwing axes. PISTOLS: Includes both revolver and automatic pistols, as well as a Taser; basically, any small arm that has no stock. SMGS: these are small arms that fire light rounds; they may have a stock or no stock, may be fired single shot or autofire, and may be used with one or two hands. RIFLES: This group includes carbines, light machine guns, and shotguns. This refers to small arms that have a stock, fire single shot or autofire, and require two hands to use. AUTOWEAPONS: Any small arm that is used to autofire with or without stock. SHOULDER ARMS: Any SMG, carbine, rifle or shotgun fired single shot with two hands. HEAVY MACHINE GUNS: Any machine gun that's mounted on a tripod or a pintle, including tripod or pintle mounted grenade launchers. MAN GUIDED MISSILES ROCKET LAUNCHERS ENERGY WEAPONS: Any man portable energy weapon that is mounted on a tripod, pintle or hand carried.
Once you know how to use a weapon, you can improve your ability by buying Weapon Skill Levels. Each skill level with a particular weapon group or type of combat grants +1 to the use of weapons in that Group. The Weapon Skill level has a number of potential uses, though the skill level may only be used for one of these things at a time. You can change the assignment of your skill levels at the beginning of your action phase, but they stay where you put them until the beginning of your next action phase. WEAPON GROUPS Weapon Skill Level Cost Cost Application 3 +1 w/any one weapon group (+1 w/pistols etc.) 5 +1 w/ all melee weapons, small arms, etc. 8 +1 with all combat . Zero-G Maneuvers The character has the ability to perform basic tasks in a zero-g or free fall environment. Without this skill it is almost impossible to move quickly or easily in zero-g. Zero-G Combat This skill allows a character to fire weapons and fight in a zero-g environment. Without zero-g combat, a character will be almost completely unable to fight in low gravity situations. P-suit and Zero-G maneuvers are necessary and complimentery skills.
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